Senin, Februari 28, 2011


"....and they lived happily ever after."

I think we're familiar with this kind of words, which are usually shown up in the end of a story. Pinocchio, A Little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty, and so many more story ended with a beautiful and sweet ending.

Happy ending. That's what I'm talking about today.

As a normal human, of course we fancy a felicitous and delighted ending. Who want to be murdered as the reason you dead? Who want to have few money? No one I think

However, in this world, there are not only one choice. There are so many choices of living in this world. Either yes or no, either sad or glad.

you can't live in this world wishing full of happy moment and stunning ending in your life. you must have a try to gain some happy ending, not only wishing all the day.

So, in other words of there is a happy ending, so it must be a sad ending in this life. the question is, why do people feel harsh when they get a sad ending?

for the first reason, I think a sweet folk lore become the alibi. most of folk lore in this world ended by a happy ending, don't they? This makes human feel that they should obtain the same thing with the folk lore. And also, folk lore is told when people were young, in the age of 3-5, when they like to imagine something. If they always smell the fluorescent of folk lore, they should just know about happy ending. They are unusual with those kinda such sad and horrible ending.

finding a reason, we walk by one more step. Sad ending, should we get it?

I think, a sad ending is a relative clause, by means sad is a relative thing. So when I feel it was a sorrow thing, maybe others think it was fine and sometimes they say it was cool, so far away rather than sad. SO, one thing that should be contained is we should have a positive thinking. While you were sad, just think you would get some more excellent experience later. Like indonesian said, A failure is a belated triumph. so just take it easy and walk on by through your sorrow experience. because, God have said, there is no sorrow for human to be uncontrolled. So, if there is a sad story in your life, just try to solve it and be positive thinker, and you will get what we call a triumph ending.

Kamis, Februari 17, 2011

sifat buruk dari homo sapiens

"HOMO SAPIENS" atau yang nama latin ini sering disebut dengan kata Manusia. berbagai ciri dimiliki oleh masing masing manusia, berbagai sifat dimiliki oleh masing masing manusia. ada yang baik hati, jahat, cemburuan, iri hati, dengki, suka menolong, dan banyaaaaaaaak lah sifat dari manusia.

nah, biarpun ada berbagai macam sifat dari homo sapiens ini, ternyata ada 1 sifat yang hampir dimiliki oleh sekian banyak manusia di Bumi ini

apakah sifat itu?

Sifat yang membuat manusia tak pernah puas akan apa yang didapatnya.

jelas mudah sekali dilihat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. contohnya, manusia jika sudah mendapat IP 3,5 jelas masih ingin berhasrat mendapatkan 4 dengan menghalalkan segala cara. dari nge-hack server akademika, atau yg paling ringan protes membabi buta kepada dosen sampai dapet nilai yg diinginkan.

contoh lainnya, seorang artis papan atas, penyanyi dari ungu, menceraikan istrinya yg telah ia sayang untuk sekian tahun, demi mendapat seorang wanita yang lebih cantik menurutnya. *maaf berbau infotainment sebab dunia tak lepas dari infotainment

nah, jika kita analogikan dengan kejadian ini.

andaikan Anda berjalan di sebuah emperan toko dengan menggunakan kalung berlian yg Anda miliki, lalu Anda menemukan sebuah kalung berlian yang lebih mengkilat dan lebih cemerlang. Apa yang akan anda lakukan?

ada dua pilihan mungkin yang bisa saya tebak.

1. mengambil kalung berlian itu dan memiliki dua kalung berlian dan melompat2 kegirangan


2. melewatkan kesempatan mengambil kalung berlian itu *mungkin dengan cara ditinggalkan atau diberi kepada yg berwenang* dan pulang ke rumah lalu bersyukur dan membersihkan dan mengasah kalung berlian yg kita miliki agar menjadi seindah yg kita temukan tadi.

nah siapakah anda? yang mana yang Anda pilih? nomor satu ataukah nomer dua?

sudahkah kita bersyukur akan apapun yang sudah kita miliki?