Rabu, Mei 23, 2012

Anti Main Stream

Hey, glad to see you all again *with an English version*. Yeah, it has been long time since I used English as my main writing language in this blog.

Yeah, so today is ENGLISH version. And actually I did literally write this satire while at night, overhearing to some Jack Johnson alongside a cup of coffee, which at first I made to cover me for dealing with an assignment, however, I procrastinate into these words. Yah, it’s kinda romantic and chill time, giving ears to Jack Johnson’s song, and drawing up, uh it’s pretty damn cool man. Talking about Jack Johnson and my iTunes playlist, I have a renowned nick name from my pal, can you guess it? “Mr. Playlist Boy”, hahaha, yeah it’s kinda a musty one. Though, I love an obsolete one, so it was an honour for me. They called me “Mr. Playlist Boy” because I have a suitable flavor in selecting music as a waiting playlist for attendance. It was first-time-called while my department was holding Elevator Pitch Competition, and my friend asked me who operated and selected the music while they were eating or having a break, even they were imagining that the man should be handsome, elegant, and pretty terrific.


When I told them I was the man they mean, yeah, y’all could guess it. They were disappointed and just seeking to obtain my soft-copy playlist. HAHAHA, maybe my music-taste is incredible and suits on women. However, they do not fit in my face. Poor me hahahaha. Though, it’s acceptable for me, I do believe there will be a woman who fit in with all I am and feats together facing this world. “And blessed is a woman who stands with me through everything” (Silas book of love, chapter one, verse two) ,also “don’t regret for those who decline my love because they don’t feel a soothing moment with me” (Silas book of love, chapter two, verse one) hahaha just kidding pals !

Fine, now we’re back on topic. So why today I have to literate about “Anti-Main-Stream” ? I do have faith everybody knows stream means, so I assume that y’all could define what Anti-Main-Stream is. Anti-Main-Stream is a condition while you are not in a core flow of others. While others are being too careful, I did not recommend you to be careless, although expose yourself to expand everything with a short consideration. Out of the box, people are usual and familiar with these words. However, you should know boundaries between think out of the box and nerdy. Don’t find yourself be a nerdy and geeky while you want to think out of the box. Being distinguished doesn’t always mean to get hooked up and be the wrong sides. Differences doesn’t talk about right or wrong, however it tells you objection and assent. 

Have you heard about an issue Lady Gaga is not permitted to have a concert in Indonesia by a mass organization because of an illogical reason. The fallacious reason is Lady Gaga usually wears short suits while she’s having a time on stage. Also, Lady Gaga is accused of being an exorcist and demon-hailing. However, I still do not have enough evidence to proof whether it is right either wrong. 

But deeply in my heart and acquaintances, I support and corroborate with them that Lady Gaga should not have a concert in Indonesia. WHY WHY WHY? Am I one of them? No. Am I being insane or illogical? I still get 143 in my I.Q test. So WHY do I oblige that? This is what I called Anti-Main-Stream while everybody agrees and oppose the mass organization. Actually I also object the reason about Lady Gaga suits or Lady Gaga’ suspicion. I oppose #IndonesiaWantLadyGaga because it makes Indonesian more consumable and it is unhealthy for our next economy.  It can produce inflation such as whether government reduce the currency value of Indonesian Rupiah to US Dollars. Looks, can you count how many overseas-artists have come to Indonesia in a year, and how much money did people spend just to watch their “heros”? lot. A lot !

I put my quotation mark in heros because they are heros in irony and contradictory. Whose hero which bring an adversity and poverty to their fans? No one. 

As you see, overseas-and-abroad-artist are one of them. Do you know how much the cost is for watching Lady Gaga on stage? Above 1000k IDR, minimal 700k IDR. Can you imagine, everybody works hard to gain money, and they spread it with ease just to watch an abroad-singer. Not only Lady Gaga, still there are too many abroad artist that perform in these year. I told you this not because neither I like Lady Gaga nor music, I love music and also Lady Gaga, but I concern about people in Indonesia. More they consume, more loss will we gain because we are paying to another county benefit. Not us. Can you imagine that a man who only has 1,500k IDR for a wage a month will buy a ticket just for see his hero? 

I am pretty sure that you will doubt me with a statement, “this concerts is belong to those who can afford and pretty rich, so it’s okay.” How could you guarantee everybody in the concert is rich and pretty damn cool with the price. Yeah, I have a friend that sold his laptop just to watch Korean Stars last spring for damn prestigious experience to watch a man, singing some songs just for 3hours approximately. Is it worth? You can answer it yourself. 

Abroad artist concert is just making an edge between those who are rich and those who are demanding for some pity on streets. Such a gadget one, it is just a prestigious stuff.  

Once, I said it not because I don’t love music. You just know how I love music by overhearing my iTunes playlist hahahah :p

So, if you want to see your heros lively, just go to their country and watch them singing in their country, or maybe in our affluent neighbor country, which you know what I mean by lion as their symbol. So, I need a lot of cashes to watch my handsome or beautiful artist? YEAH, OF COURSE. It will more guarantee that people who watch abroad concert are well-to-do. You don’t want to spend a lot of money to attend the concert? Just put your headphones and plug into your notebook, open iTunes, and type “artists whom you like to listen” , and sing alongside in your bedroom. Cost : $ 0

Be more reactive, critical, and rational while thinking, cause you have to choose rather to bump into the current or rush out the mainstream. Keep thinking and acting for a better Indonesia !

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