Selasa, Januari 20, 2009

no accesoriess in your head, still looked beautiful for me ; hearing *kau cantik hari ini* lobow

bukan gombal bukan klise *ga tau kenapa gw lagi sk ma ni kata2*, judull dari post ini menggambarkan perasaan gw..even i don't know what happened to me that make me to say that againn..mungkin dari posting gw yg dlu di bulan desember yang berjudul *kau cantik hari ini.. yup, gw mau bilang, mungkiin ada perubahan from accesories that attached on your head -that you know what it was..
i said that you were looked so beautifull when you used itu, *begitu di post skrg, i want to say that you are still beautifull without it, so you are beautiful with the way you are, not anything, thats i want to say to you..
even i know that you still can not love me, i just want to say that i like you with the way you are, that the things make me still love you and being faithful to you..
even i often become "down" with every fact that i got about you,
i still want to love you with all I am
with all my limitations time
with all my inability to make you happy
but i really want to love you with all i am
with everything that i can give to you.
swear, its my oaths..
and even i will keep my oaths as long as i could
even we didn't meet again
even we didn't being a couple
or the BEST, even we are being a couple..
all of the probability can be happened, so prepare for the best or the worst..
andd i just want to be a dove, couple doves maybe *if i were being a couple..
doves have many meanings, and for the best, it shows a faithfulness, doves that always come back to their couples..

3 komentar:

mell mengatakan...

awww.. so sweet..
semangat las!
cinta butuh pengorbanan. ga cuma butuh alpenlibel. *haha apa sih mell..

..words from the heart.. mengatakan...

lass, sori yaa bokk, klo mgkn gw trlalu jujur when i was telling you the fact about her. both of you are my friend, and i will do anything to help you and her.. don't need to take an oath lah, lass. an oath has to be proved, dan lo ga mau dong ga kawin seumur idup gara" ini? so just enjoy lah. your life won't stop here. and believe that God's prepared a girl for you before you were born. dan qta ga pnah tau, cewe itu si 'dia' ato bkn. klo pun bkn, pasti cewe ini jg bs deh bkin lu jatuh cintrong 10x lbh dashyat dr ini, mpe klepek2 dah lo. hehe. anyway maav ya kpanjangan..

samiun mengatakan...

salute to batubara! hahaha tenang bat, Tuhan pasti ngasih jalan terbaik. itu aja prinsipnya

eh gw mendingan blogspot ato wordpress ya hahaha